How SQAIRZ Baseball and Softball Shoes Fix Your Swing

  The buzz around SQAIRZ’s baseball and softball shoes reached a fever pitch with the release of the first peer-reviewed clinical study demonstrating their effectiveness in early 2024. The key takeaway: a whopping 60.5% of study participants improved exit velocity simply by switching to SQAIRZ.  How exactly does SQAIRZ accomplish such impressive results? We asked Chad Miller, co-founder of Slugger Science and the Louisville Slugger Hitting Science Center, to break down the biomechanics of a swing and explain how SQAIRZ’s science-backed footwear design helps players overcome common problems to realize their full potential. It starts with balance There are three major components of a swing: balance, direction, and timing. Balance comes before direction, and direction comes before timing. This means that if you don’t have good balance from the outset, you lose control over direction and timing. The most critical example of this is during the load—when you shift your weight backwards to create tension that will be released when you swing the bat. If your balance is off during that initial load, there’s no way to regain it. From there, your direction and timing will be thrown off. The importance of foot position Players tend to fall into two...
How SQAIRZ Baseball and Softball Shoes Fix Your Swing

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SQAIRZ Official Golf Footwear of HJGT

SQAIRZ Official Golf Footwear of HJGT

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