How SQAIRZ Baseball and Softball Shoes Fix Your Swing

  The buzz around SQAIRZ’s baseball and softball shoes reached a fever pitch with the release of the first peer-reviewed clinical study demonstrating their effectiveness in early 2024. The key takeaway: a whopping 60.5% of study participants improved exit velocity simply by switching to SQAIRZ.  How exactly does SQAIRZ accomplish such impressive results? We asked Chad Miller, co-founder of Slugger Science and the Louisville Slugger Hitting Science Center, to break down the biomechanics of a swing and explain how SQAIRZ’s science-backed footwear design helps players overcome common problems to realize their full potential. It starts with balance There are three major components of a swing: balance, direction, and timing. Balance comes before direction, and direction comes before timing. This means that if you don’t have good balance from the outset, you lose control over direction and timing. The most critical example of this is during the load—when you shift your weight backwards to create tension that will be released when you swing the bat. If your balance is off during that initial load, there’s no way to regain it. From there, your direction and timing will be thrown off. The importance of foot position Players tend to fall into two...
How SQAIRZ Baseball and Softball Shoes Fix Your Swing

Guest Blog

How SQAIRZ Levels Up College Baseball Players

How SQAIRZ Levels Up College Baseball Players

  Welcome back to our conversation about the SQAIRZ advantage with Brad Stromdahl, head baseball coach at Georgia State University, and Randy Guite, the head baseball coach for Georgetown College...

The SQAIRZ Advantage for College Baseball Players

The SQAIRZ Advantage for College Baseball Players

  For college baseball and softball athletes, SQAIRZ’s revolutionary footwear design delivers a competitive edge that supports the transition to the major leagues. We spoke to two heavy-hitters in college...

A Review of Batters Box Positioning and the Ability to Hit Breaking Balls

A Review of Batters Box Positioning and the Ability to Hit Breaking Balls

Originally published on February 14, 2024 by Chad Miller, Heather Keepers, and Allen Thomas. Overview There has been a trend developing over the past three years that hitters are drifting back in...

The Mathematics of Stealing Second Base

The Mathematics of Stealing Second Base

Originally published by Nick Ratajczak, Chad Miller, and David Hansen. Baseball is as much of an art as it is a science. However, understanding that with the emergence of analytics and emphasis...

Science-Backed Solutions to Improve Consistency

Science-Backed Solutions to Improve Consistency

What creates reliable control? If drills aren’t doing the job, look down. “When you're not stable on the ground, that’s a problem,” says Terry Hashimoto, founder of Golf Rehab ...

The Secret to Better Swings and Pain-Free Golf: Guest Blog by Joe Yoon

The Secret to Better Swings and Pain-Free Golf: Guest Blog by Joe Yoon

Prone to injury? Experiencing back pain during your swing? A sports therapist shares exercises to help you improve your swing and experience less pain.

Changing Your Shoes: a small step for some, a giant leap for Mike Cromwell

Changing Your Shoes: a small step for some, a giant leap for Mike Cromwell

Golf is a game of skill, strategy, and constant improvement. Every golfer, from beginners to seasoned veterans, seeks that elusive formula to elevate their performance on the course. For me,...

SQAIRZ Masterclass: Footwork with Jim McLean

SQAIRZ Masterclass: Footwork with Jim McLean

Want to improve your golf game? The secret is to start with your feet.

Shift Your Focus for Greater Impact: Guest Blog by Bobby Clampett

Shift Your Focus for Greater Impact: Guest Blog by Bobby Clampett

Bobby Clampett is a PGA Tour Winner, long-time CBS Sports golf broadcaster, and founder of Impact Zone Golf, a revolutionary teaching system centered on a player’s impact position rather than...